“The Cosmic Woman is patient, all-forgiving, and merciful. The Cosmic Woman is strong in spirit, but fragile and feminine. The Cosmic Woman is always there. Any action of the Cosmic Woman is an action of love. Through this love, the Cosmic Woman becomes part of nature. The Cosmic Woman spreads her love to home and family. The Cosmic Woman strives to give joy to others. It is important for the Cosmic Woman to take care of her loved ones. The Cosmic Woman is creative and undemanding to others. The Cosmic Woman feels her special connection with the Universe and is confident in her Earthly mission. The Cosmic Woman is happy and satisfied with her life. ”

On June 16, 1963, the space flight of the world’s first woman cosmonaut Valentina Tereshkova took place. For the USSR, the flight of a woman was politically motivated as part of the space race between the two superpowers. Over the past 57 years, more than 100 Soviet and Russian cosmonauts have visited space, and only 4 of them were women. Labor discrimination is legally prohibited in Russia, but in many professions, there is still a prejudice against women. Space is tacitly considered a purely male prerogative.

In my project, I refer to the stereotypes prevailing in Russian society about the role of women, postulating motherhood, and taking care of the family and home as a basic need for a woman. Combining the given with my ideas about the cosmic, I create my feminine cosmos.

December 2020
St. Petersburg, RU